Developed through the collaborative efforts of AgGateway member experts and built on nearly a decade of framework development, ADAPT Standard is the world’s only standard to support a broad range of farm data implemented by leading farm management information systems.
ADAPT Standard is a high-value tool in the ADAPT set of resources alongside the ADAPT Framework and ADAPT plugins. It is freely available with a business-friendly license.
AgGateway will update ADAPT Standard regularly. AgGateway will continue to process code contributions to the ADAPT Framework, but AgGateway does not intend to organize further development efforts.
ADAPT Standard delivers several advantages to users over the data model used in the ADAPT Framework, including the following:
AgGateway will continue to support the ADAPT Framework. AgGateway is also developing an ADAPT Plugin to support ADAPT Standard, made possible through a sub-grant supplied by the National Agricultural Producers Data Cooperative via funding from USDA’s National Institute for Food and Agriculture. The plugin will give those who have invested in implementing the ADAPT Framework a smooth path for ADAPT Standard adoption.
ADAPT Standard and ADAPT Framework details are available at: