2023 Mid-Year Meeting

The AgGateway Mid-Year Meeting, June 12-15, 2023, is the place where the work of digital connectivity gets done. Getting together in-person catalyzes the progress that member Working Groups have made to that point on existing projects, while new work is identified and prioritized through Meet-Ups. Ample networking opportunities throughout the event provide time for attendees to share ideas and discuss solutions.

More than 200 stakeholders from across the industry attend the Mid-Year Meeting to gain insight into the state of digital connectivity, and to find out more about the work of AgGateway. We are pleased to return to Prairie Meadows in Altoona, IA, which has provided the ultimate setting for hard work, collaboration, and good fun for meeting attendees. Key areas of focus for AgGateway Working Groups will include:

  • ADAPT Serialization and pathway to standardization
  • Field boundaries
  • In-field product identification
  •  Scale ticket
  • Crop protection
  • Crop nutrition
  • and more to be announced in the weeks ahead!

Conference registration is $300, and a hotel room block at Prairie Meadows will be available at the conference rate of $163/night. Click here to reserve your room. You will need to use the following group code and password to take advantage of the conference rate. Group Code: 161023AGGATEWAY — Password: 863001850

Many outstanding, value-rich sponsorship opportunities are available. The entire list of sponsorships for the Mid-Year Meeting and Annual Conference are listed in the sponsor brochure. 

To register, you must have a MyAgGateway account. If you don’t have one, setting up an account is quick and easy. Click here to register. Bookmark this page for the latest conference information. Updates will also be available on Twitter at #AgGateway.

Thank you to our 2023 Mid-Year Meeting Sponsors!

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsors

Conference Sponsors

Attendee Nametags

Horse Race Sponsors
