2025 Europe Spring Seminar

AgGateway 2025 Europe Spring Seminar


As a member of the AgGateway Europe community, I urge you to mark your calendar now and plan to attend the AgGateway Europe Spring Seminar:

Friday, 14 March 2025 | 9:00 until 14:00 CET | Berlin, Germany

The meeting host location and meeting room details will be released as soon as they are available.

This is an open meeting – AgGateway members and non-members are invited.

For the convenience of several of our expected attendees, this meeting is positioned to directly follow the first plenary face-to-face meeting of ISO-TC347-Data Driven Agrifood Systems that takes place in Berlin from Monday 10 March through Thursday 13 March. It will also utilize the same facility.

At the AgGateway Europe Spring Seminar, two important topics will be addressed:

1. Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

Organize dataflows in the agricultural production chains to support CSRD (The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive).

2. e-Invoicing

Promote and support e-Invoicing so we will be ready for European and National legislation that makes B-to-B e-Invoicing mandatory in 2030. In France, Belgium, and Germany, e-Invoicing will be mandatory in 2026 - 2027. The available e-Invoicing standards will be presented and discussed.

As in the past, the program will provide time for several short presentations about relevant developments in data sharing and data processing concerning CSRD and e-Invoicing. If your organization or company (yourself or a colleague) would like to contribute to this event with a short presentation that fits the objectives of this meeting, reach out to Conny Graumans, Europe Region Director.

The program and location will be finalized and shared in the coming month, and a list with hotel recommendations will follow shortly thereafter.

Sign up for this meeting is available now via the AgGateway registration page.