
The ADAPT Oversight Committee was established by the Precision Agriculture Council with a charter in October 2014. (ADAPT stands for Agricultural Data Application Programming Toolkit.) 

The key deliverable of the committee is a production-level, open source toolkit for use by the precision ag industry. Interoperability has been a formidable hurdle to the use of precision ag technologies. ADAPT provides an easy-to-use industry framework, with the tools to simplify communication between growers, their machines and their partners. The ADAPT Committee is composed of two teams: business and technical.


Adoption of precision agriculture technology has been limited for several decades in part because it is not easy for growers to exchange data with the in-field (MICS) and back office (FMIS) systems of their choosing.  ADAPT's toolkit can be integrated by these MICS and FMIS systems to allow for easy data translation between the systems. (Note: ADAPT is not concerned with data transfer between systems the grower uses.) AgGateway is the steward of the ADAPT software assets, which are available to any interested party that is willing to accept the terms of the Open Source Software (OSS) license agreement that the assets are provided under. 


To provide open-source solutions that enhance agricultural data interoperability between systems that create and manage agricultural data.

Get Involved

Committee content is being developed and commented on within the AgGateway wiki (see link on sidebar).If you're a member and need a wiki account, email Member.Services@AgGateway.org.

AgGateway Wiki


You must be a member to access some areas of the Wiki. Contact Member Services at Member.Services@AgGateway.org for more information.

Dan Danford
Case New Holland, (Business)

Stuart Rhea
Ag Connections (Technical)

Kelly Nelson
TopCon (Technical)

Member Services

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