Annual Conference

Register by October 15 for Early Bird Rates!

By Scott Meredith, ACS, Chair of the Conference Committee

If you haven’t yet registered for AgGateway’s 2021 Annual Conference, November 8-10, in Nashville, Tenn., do it now! Early bird rates end October 15! You can easily register by using the new MyAgGateway resource.

The in-person conference will feature an array of sessions and networking opportunities for companies seeking to realize the many benefits of digital agriculture. Details are available on the Annual Conference meeting page, which will be updated regularly. Highlights include:

  • Multiple networking events, including a luncheon for first-time attendees;
  • General Sessions and guest speakers covering state-of-the-industry topics in digital agriculture;
  • Trading Partner Meetings: Face-to-face sessions set up by trading partners to discuss next steps on how to make digital connections between those companies, to streamline business processes, cut costs, boost efficiency, ensure accuracy and increase productivity;
  • New Session! - Field Boundaries, Tuesday at 1:15 pm;
  • New Session! – Cybersecurity, Wednesday at 10:45 am;
  • Industry “meet-up” discussions: Ag Retail, Seed, Crop Protection, Grain & Feed;
  • Water Management & Sustainability Credits presentation and discussion;
  • Field Boundaries presentation and discussion;
  • ADAPT Interoperability – looking ahead;
  • Report from AgGateway’s Portfolio Management Center on current Working Group activities;
  • Working Group discussions on objectives and priorities: In-Field Product ID, Potato Crop and Field Ops Data, Product Catalog, Mix Ticket, Data Linking, and more;
  • Panel Discussion on Future of Open APIs;
  • Review of Industry Standards White Paper with AgGateway CTO Jim Wilson: Exploring the industry standards that exist and their impact on digital resources created within AgGateway;
  • Plus, product identifiers and the Ag Industry Identification System (AGIIS); how to move work forward within AgGateway teams; a member engagement forum, and much more!

Early bird registration (until October 15) is $725 for AgGateway members and $900 for non-members. AgGateway members may invite a non-member at a discounted rate ($350) as part of the “Invite a Trading Partner” program. Discounted rates are also available for students, media and other special guests.

Safety Protocols

We hope you are as excited to resume in-person meetings, working groups, and networking activities as we are. AgGateway's Conference Committee is offering the following information on our plans and intentions to make this conference as safe and as valuable as possible.

  • First, we will work to keep you updated and informed of local requirements for things like mask wear so that no one is surprised when you arrive on site.
  • Second, we strongly recommend following CDC guidance for travel to, during and following the conference.
  • Third, as AgGateway's top two organizational values are Integrity and Collaboration, we believe our attendees understand the value of respecting others' perspectives and boundaries. We will provide visual cues attendees can use to communicate their social distancing comfort levels; we ask that attendees respect those signals in the way we respect our antitrust guidelines.

Finally, we're sharing information from Hilton to ensure that our members understand the facility's policies and feel safe attending the conference:

Sponsorship opportunities for the conference are available at MyAgGateway or by contacting us at AgGateway thanks its current Annual Conference sponsors, including Titanium Sponsor: Proagrica; Platinum Sponsors: BASF and Nutrien Ag Solutions; Gold Sponsors: Bayer, Corteva and EFC Systems; Silver Sponsors: Rosen’s Inc., and SSI; Gateway to Ag Careers Sponsors: AgCIO and Syngenta; Keynote and General Session: GROWMARK and Key Cooperative; Break Out Sessions: Co-Alliance, DXC Technology, The Equity, and SSI; and additional support from EFC Systems, DXC and BASF.

Looking forward to seeing you next month!