2021 October Newsletter

2021 October Volume 15  Number 9

Annual Conference

Register by October 15 for Early Bird Rates!

If you haven’t yet registered for AgGateway’s 2021 Annual Conference, November 8-10, in Nashville, Tenn., do it now! Early bird rates end October 15! You can easily register by using the new MyAgGateway resource.

The in-person conference will feature an array of sessions and networking opportunities for companies seeking to realize the many benefits of digital agriculture. Details are available on the Annual Conference meeting page, which will be updated regularly. Read more >

Portfolio Management Center

October Working Group Round-Up

Want to get involved or start a group? Contact Member Services at Member.Services@AgGateway.org.

As we eagerly anticipate the Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, in just a few weeks, I’ve seen a tremendous amount of energy around future projects, whether they are in the next phase of a current working group or are new areas of focus. You’ll notice a theme as you read this month’s update. Many of the current working groups have completed their deliverables for this year and will be meeting at the conference to define their next phase of work. Likewise, those with ideas for new working groups will be having “meet-up” sessions at the conference to gauge interest and further refine their initial concepts. So, there are many great reasons for you to attend the Annual Conference in Nashville, November 8-10. I hope to see you there!

Agrisemantics (WG 00)

The group continues working with the Data Linking working group on controlled vocabularies. They also continue to assist the Agricultural Lab Data working group on observation codes for plant tissue, as well as controlled vocabularies and glossary terms for the Product Catalog working group. They have worked closely with the Latin America soil testing group (Integração Dados Laboratório Solos) to help them develop machine-readable observation codes for MODUS testing methods specific to tropical soils. Read more >

Latin America

AgGateway Latin America on YouTube

In the past few weeks we have started a series of initiatives on social media to disseminate practical and relevant knowledge about data integration and interoperability, and standardization in the field. On our YouTube channel we have featured professionals from companies that have been using precision and digital agriculture technologies for some time. The first “live” was with Ronaldo Proceski, Agricultural Controller of GGF Agro, a company that produces grains on more than 120 thousand hectares. The second “live” focused on sugarcane cultivation, bringing Rogério Nícola, Technology and Automation Manager at COFCO; and André Lombardi de Almeida, a sugar cane and soy producer. We invite you to listen to these informative interviews. Read more >

AGIIS Update

Tips to Expedite Your AGIIS Directory Request

We like to periodically remind users of AgGateway’s Ag Industry Identification System (AGIIS) about ways they can expedite the addition or update to a Global Location Number (GLN) in AGIIS. Sometimes time is of the essence, and you need your GLN created or updated as soon as possible. In this article, I’ll point out a few things you may not know that will help speed up the creation of a new GLN, or an update to an existing GLN. Read more >

Annual Conference

Calling All Musicians!

AgGateway’s Annual Conference next month is in Nashville, Tennessee, one of the music capitals of the world. We know there are a lot of you who are musicians, so we want to know if you’d be interested in an AgGateway jam session!

Fill out this quick form about whether you play an instrument or sing, if you’ll be bringing your instrument, favorite songs, etc. Let us know, and see you in Nashville!

Industry Events

Upcoming Events

AgGateway Annual Conference, Nov. 8-10, Nashville, Tenn., USA.

AgGateway is proud to be partnering with and/or participating in these upcoming events:

2021 ARA Conference and Expo – “Saddle Up for Success”, Nov. 30-Dec. 2, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Watch for details soon on the Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) flagship event.

Questions? Contact Member Services at +1 (866) 251-8618, or Member.Services@AgGateway.org.