Member Recognition

Reminder: Nominate a Colleague by September 17

By the AgGateway Communications Committee

Remember to help AgGateway recognize the leaders who are paving the way for digital connectivity in ag! Nominations for AgGateway’s Ron Storms Leadership Award are due Friday, September 17. Details are available here.

It's not hard to make a nomination and requires just a few minutes of your time.

Recent past winners include Ann Vande Lune, Eric Hoefing, Joe Tevis and Randy Fry.

We'll be presenting the award during the Annual Conference in November. Evaluation will be based on:

  • Dedication to the mission to promote and enable the industry's transition to digital agriculture
  • Leadership in moving eConnectivity goals and activities forward; i.e., achieving progress
  • Ability to promote collaboration among AgGateway teams
  • Participation in AgGateway working groups, committees, former councils and projects, and/or task forces for at least 2 years
  • Active participation and leadership in at least 2 different activities (e.g., working group leadership, project participation, council/committee management, task force participation, etc.)
  • Candidate's company must be an AgGateway member at the time of nomination.

Let a colleague know how much you appreciate their hard work and make a nomination now!